Integrative Medicine Specialist

Refresh Rx Hawaii

Eugene M.C. Lee, MD

Internal Medicine & Sculpsure and Tempsure Specialist located in Honolulu, HI

Better health care means more than just treating your symptoms; it means treating your whole body and mind. Refresh Rx Hawaii provides integrative medicine services designed to improve your total well-being at his office in Honolulu, Hawaii. Learn how these services can benefit your health and quality of life by calling today or booking an appointment online.

Integrative Medicine Q & A

What is integrative medicine?

The goal of patient-centered integrative medicine is to improve your total wellness by addressing your physical, mental, and emotional health needs. An integrated medicine approach incorporates conventional treatments like medication or surgery and combines them with recommendations for complementary medicine approaches, such as acupuncture, naturopathy, meditation, or yoga.

Dr. Lee can help you select which integrative medicine treatments may benefit you the most based on current research and your individual health needs. His personalized approach allows you to be an active participant in your care as you address not just symptoms, but the cause of your health conditions.

What are some common integrative medicine treatments?

You can try several integrative medicine treatments that don’t interfere with your medical care and provide additional benefits to your overall health. Integrative medicine therapies include:

  • Meditation
  • Yoga
  • Tai chi
  • Art therapy
  • Chiropractic or manipulation therapies
  • Acupuncture
  • Reiki
  • Herbalism
  • Nutrition therapy
  • Guided imagery

These treatments can help improve symptoms, address the cause of your condition, and increase your overall wellness. Used in combination with medication and other traditional medical treatments, they can improve your quality of life.

Is integrative medicine safe?

When applied correctly by a trained practitioner, integrative medicine is very safe. These treatments should have few risks of side effects while giving you an opportunity to see a variety of health benefits.

Traditional treatments, like medication or surgery, often carry higher risks of side effects and complication than integrative medicine. Integrative medicine solutions are more natural, taking advantage of your body’s own ability to heal itself.

Is integrative medicine right for me?

Because integrative medicine is natural, almost anyone is a good candidate for these therapies. Many men and women use integrative medicine to complement traditional treatments for conditions like cancer or infertility. You may benefit from integrative medicine if you:

  • Have a chronic condition like pain, arthritis, Crohn’s disease, COPD, or heart disease
  • Receive treatment for cancer
  • Feel that medicines, surgeries, or other traditional treatments are not addressing all your needs
  • Struggle with mental health and wellness
  • Have tried other medical treatments with limited success

Find out if integrative medicine can help you achieve wellness: Call or book an appointment online today to learn more from Dr. Lee.