Blog Articles

Face Masks and Skin Issues

After removing your mask wash your face to clean off the swear and oils that have accumulated during the day. Use a gentle cleanser like Elta MD Foaming Facial Cleanser that will cleanse without irritating or over-drying your skin.
Oct 15th, 2020

Myths and Facts About Integrative Medicine

When it comes to integrative medicine, you may have heard rumors and myths mixed in with facts and truth. Although different from conventional or Western medicine, integrative medicine is a proven form of treatment.
Aug 7th, 2019
yoga, meditation

3 Integrative Medicine Exercises That Better Your Mental Health

Do you want a more personalized experience when you go to the doctor, with a focus on your overall health and well-being, not just the current complaint? Integrative medicine takes a holistic approach to health, including the mind-body connection.
May 31st, 2019

Get Swimsuit Ready with SculpSure

Tired of those trouble spots that bulge around your bikini? Learn how you can destroy fat cells in just a few sessions with an FDA-cleared laser technology that spot reduces fat without pain, bruises, or anesthetics.
Apr 30th, 2019

Feel Your Best This Year With SculpSure Body Contouring

No matter how much you exercise or diet, certain areas of fat don’t seem to budge. It’s frustrating. SculpSure® laser technology can have you saying “so long” to those stubborn fat pockets once and for all.
Jan 16th, 2019

Let TempSure Reduce Those Pesky Wrinkles!

Many people start to experience fine lines and wrinkles when they enter their 30s. TempSure offers a pain-free way to reduce the signs of aging without any of the downtime that comes after surgical procedures.
Nov 14th, 2018

8 Amazing Benefits of Acupuncture You Didn't Know

People have used the ancient practice of acupuncture, which uses needles to stimulate pressure points and muscles, for thousands of years to treat medical conditions. These eight reasons to try acupuncture may surprise you, however.
Oct 15th, 2018