Blog Archive

HAWAII’S SUNSCREEN BAN: Do you know what’s in your favorite sunscreen? Jan 7th, 2021

Hawaii’s law banning the sale of over the counter sunscreens containing the ingredients oxybenzone and octinoxate went into effect on January 1, 2021.  These two active ingredients in many sunscreen products have been most widely investigated and regarded as being toxic to our ocean environment and marine life.  Scarier still,...

Face Masks and Skin Issues Oct 15th, 2020

In an effort to prevent the spread of Covid 19, the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) recommend that everyone wear a face covering in public…especially in areas where you cannot maintain a six feet distance from others. Here in Hawaii, current mandates now require everyone to wear a non-medical grade...

Myths and Facts About Integrative Medicine Aug 7th, 2019

Have you heard the terms “Western” or “modern” medicine? These words are used to describe the health care system as it currently works, with doctors, nurses, and a whole host of other professionals working to develop medicine and therapy for diseases, conditions, and disorders. It’s often compared to Eastern or...

Summertime Tips to Keep the Sun from Wreaking Havoc on Your Skin Jul 9th, 2019

It’s no secret that the sun can do a number on your skin. Overexposure can bring on age spots, wrinkles, and a rough, crepey texture that makes you look and feel older than you are. In some cases, this sun damage can lead to something more serious than superficial cosmetic...

3 Integrative Medicine Exercises That Better Your Mental Health May 31st, 2019

If you’re tired of feeling rushed when you go to the doctor, you may want to consider a physician who practices integrative medicine. It’s an approach that meshes traditional medicine with evidence-based interventions from a variety of scientific domains. Integrative medicine is in tune with the full range of factors...

Get Swimsuit Ready with SculpSure Apr 30th, 2019

Genetics get the best of us, and no matter how hard we try, we can’t spot reduce fat. So while there are plenty of benefits to eating right and exercising, neither a nutrition plan nor a workout can target some specific areas. There’s no reason to blame yourself for those...

You Don't Have to Live With Acne Scars: Learn About Our Laser Treatment Solution Apr 1st, 2019

Acne is the most common skin condition in the United States, affecting an estimated 40 million to 50 million people at any one time. Despite your being in good company, it’s easy to feel alone when acne strikes, particularly when it occurs in highly visible areas like your face, neck,...

PicoSure: The Best Way To Say Goodbye To Unwanted Tattoos Mar 1st, 2019

Tattoos are meant to be permanent, but that doesn’t mean you’ll never change your mind about one. If you don’t want your tattoo anymore, you don’t have to hide it with clothing or concealer. You can say goodbye to your ink with the PicoSure® laser, the first in a new...

The Reason Behind Your Wrinkles And How You Can Fight Against Them Feb 1st, 2019

Wrinkles are a part of life. Believe it or not, even babies get wrinkles. However, unlike baby wrinkles that disappear quickly, wrinkles associated with aging are harder to treat. Thankfully, you don’t have to live with the lines nature gave you. Dr. Lee can explain why you are plagued with...

Feel Your Best This Year With SculpSure Body Contouring Jan 16th, 2019

Nearly everyone has areas of their body that cause them to feel, well, not their best. No matter how aggressive your workout, you can’t seem to banish the love handles, muffin tops, saddle bags, and a few other areas of your body where stubborn fat resides. You dedicate your time...

Your Guide to Not Packing on Those Holiday Pounds Dec 10th, 2018

The holiday season has arrived, bringing with it copious amounts of food, drink, and likely extra pounds for your waistline. It’s a hectic time of year, and it can be tempting to throw your diet and exercise plans out the window with the intention of picking them up again in...

Let TempSure Reduce Those Pesky Wrinkles! Nov 14th, 2018

Between 2016 and 2017, facelift surgeries fell by 4%. Dr. Lee doesn't think that men and women have become less sensitive to the signs of aging. Instead, he thinks that the improvement of non-surgical techniques give people better options than going under the knife. TempSure offers the perfect example of...

8 Amazing Benefits of Acupuncture You Didn't Know Oct 15th, 2018

Many experts believe that Chinese physicians started using acupuncture to treat health conditions more than 2,000 years ago. When the acupuncturist inserts the needles at certain points in your body, the treatment either alters the flow of chi energy or stimulates pressure points that help the body heal itself.Whatever your...

Integrative Medicine: 5 Drug-Free Ways to Manage Chronic Pain Sep 22nd, 2018

For many years, the use of over-the-counter painkillers and prescription medications has been the primary method for managing pain. Sadly, the continual use of painkillers may lead to problems of its own, which include liver failure, stomach ulcers, and addiction. About 1.9 million Americans with authorized prescriptions are addicted to...

Why Everyone is Talking About SculpSure, the Non-Surgical Fat-Buster Aug 9th, 2018

With so many people searching for a safe, effective way to eliminate stubborn belly fat, it’s no wonder SculpSure is on the lips of many.SculpSure is a noninvasive laser technology that banishes stubborn fat deposits without the need for surgery. Its popularity is growing and for good reason.Refresh RX Hawaii...

What Causes Cellulite and How You Can Get Rid of It with TempSure™ Jul 19th, 2018

If you’re bothered by lumpy, bumpy cellulite on your legs, buttocks, or arms, you’re not alone. Almost all women develop it at some point in their lives. It not only develops in older women; even teenagers can develop it. Some men have cellulite, too, but it’s much more common in...